$MASA serves as a utility token in the DEKSA ecosystem, essential for users to engage with and leverage a range of DEKSA features.
The name is inspired by the "token" that was already present in the past. In the early days of the Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat, transactions were made with gold coin that people knew as "MASA" coin.
Token name : MASA
Ticker : $MASA
Supply : 28.000.000
Revenue generated by Karaton Surakarta Museum, including ticket sales, events, and merchandise, will directly contribute to the token's growth. This exciting model ensures a thriving community and a gradually increasing token value over time, reflecting our commitment to a stable and prosperous future.
$MASA token smart contracts have been audited by Cyberscope.
We do this to provide comfort and security for every interaction in the $MASA community.